Here’s how it works:

Say there is a fee of $100/racer:

50 % of that goes to Jackpot Racing to cover expenses as well as incorporates a percentage that goes toward some charitable or local foundation:

The rest, or the other 50 % gets split up among YOU the racers/contestants as follows:

  • 35% to Age Groups
  • 15% to Overall

So, for example: If there are 70 female contestants for a 5K race:

  • F25- Under = 10
  • F26-35 = 20
  • F36-45 = 20
  • F46-55 = 10
  • F55+ = 10
  • For Age Group F36-45: 20 x $100 = $2000
    • 50% to JPR (Jackpot Racing) = $1000
    • 50% to the contestant pots = $1000
      • From that pot: 35% of each contestant fee goes into their Age Group Pot;
        • For the Age Group, F36-45: $1000 x 35% = $350 in their Age Group Pot
          • 1st place = $200
          • 2nd place = $150
      • 15% to Overall Pot = $7.50 from each contestant, so $7.50 x 70 (total # of contestants) = $525
        • 1st Overall = @$262
        • 2nd = @$175
        • 3rd = @$105

Contestants have the opportunity to win BOTH Age Group AND Overall Pots!

Our Age Group Categories for both Men and Women are broken down as follows:

  • 25 – Under
  • 26 – 35
  • 36 – 45
  • 46 – 55
  • 55+